The number of participants is limited. Therefore, you should pre-register as early as possible, but no later than 10 April 2024.

Registration fees cover not only the courses, but also meals and accommodation.

Pricing is as follows:

Members of co-financing labs (Labex EFL, LLF, LACITO) as well as CNRS staff are exempt from registration fees.

Pre-registration is open via the link below. No payment is necessary at this point, but we will need your name, email address, affiliation, as well as an indication of your status (private, public, student).

We shall contact all pre-registered participants closer to the date for confirmation (and payment).

All fields are mandatory.

Personal informations

CNRS staff or member of a co-organizing lab (Lacito, LLF, Labex EFL)?

Which one?

Registration fee

For paying participants, a link will be sent to the payment platform.

* Rate :
