Accommodation (Sun 2 June - Fri 7 June)

Participants will be lodged at the Station Océanographique de Banyuls or in a nearby hotel. Owing to limited capacity, we strongly encourage to share a room.

Accommodation is included in the registration fee.


Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are served at the Station Océanographique de Banyuls. In addition, we shall offer refreshments during the morning and afternoon coffee breaks.

We shall also organise a banquet on Tue evening.

Meals, including coffee breaks and banquet, are included in the registration fee.


We are planning an excursion on Wednesday afternoon. Details will be announced closer to the date.

Venir à Banyuls

Banyuls sur mer is connected to Perpignan, the next high speed train station, by local train.

If you travel to France by plane, you may want to consider airports in the vicinity of Perpignan, in addition to Paris, e.g. Barcelona or Toulouse.

Participants are in charge of organising their own transport.